Dobro došli na web prezentaciju preduzeća ENACTA iz Beograda, organizacije koja pruža širok spektar konsultantskih usluga iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine i bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu.
Cij našeg preduzeća je prepoznavanje vaših potreba i obezbeđivanje jednostavnih i i tačnih rešenja koja omogućavaju da vaše poslovanje bude zakonski ispravno i održivo.


• Over 10 years of experience in the field of environmental and occupational health and safety consultancy;
• Participation and work on more than 100 projects in the field of environmental and occupational health and safety at former Yugoslavian republics (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia) and Balkan region;
• Work with some of the world’s most eminent environmental consultancy companies, various types of industry, international financial organizations, local consulting and design companies, local governments, public enterprises, etc.
• Providing of integrated solutions for your business with wide network od associates;
• Because we know the solution for pollution!